As an African American that was born here, as well as my parents, I have to say enough is enough. We need to slow down all types of immigration legal and illegal, i.e. stop the work visa. We need to change the law which dictates what or how you are U. S. citizen.
At least one of your parents has to a citizen of the U. S., that will cut down on all the excuses that they illegals use to stay here. "My kids are citizens they were born here," Bull shit if none of your parents are citizens then neither are the kids born here.
If you are caught here illegally, i.e jumping the border than your first offense should be ten years in prison with out any phone calls, mail and so on. You are not a citizen so you are not entitled to the rights of a citizen. The second offense should be a life with same restrictions. Now if you are here on work visa then you should required to update your status every month, if you don't and you are caught same rules apply.
Why so harsh , because American businesses need to start employing the people of the U.S. The only way that the economy is going to strengthen is by U.S. cit zens spending money at home. We have a growing unemployment rate but these Corporations are sending American jobs overseas, hiring these illegals at cheaper wages. Come on we are the greatest nation but We spend more time feeding and saving other people.
We need to start having mine fields at the Mexican and Canadian borders, that is another solution to the problem of the illegals. I am not racist but I am a concerned citizen that sees this government just not caring about the safety of the its own citizens. Again we need to take of home before we can take care of abroad.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Bail Out
Why do we need to bail out any of these rich bastards? All they will do is take the money and run, then stiff us with the bill. I agree with Lou Dobbs in the fact that the People can not afford health care but the automakers, UAW, Goldman Sachs, Leahman, and the others want us to pay for their mistakes. Whatever happened to if you fuck it is your fault.
Let's be realistic if any of you came up short on a bill, you can bet that it will go against your credit, if it were a house it would be foreclosed. Were is the bail out for us, we is the forgiveness?
Here is my solution, instead of giving the banks, Wall Street, and automakers the money give every taxpayer(PEOPLE) a million dollars. It would still be under 700 billion dollars and all the above would be out of the water. The foreclosures would be down and the property value of home would stabilize. The credit markets would then be set to the correct margins.
But the Government won't do that, Why? No one wants to see the poor on the same level as the rich. The rich needs the poor to do the shit they don't want to do but still profit. Besides giving the People the money the need to put all of the corporate heads, and lawmakers (who supported the lobbyist of failed corporations) in jail.
Let's be realistic if any of you came up short on a bill, you can bet that it will go against your credit, if it were a house it would be foreclosed. Were is the bail out for us, we is the forgiveness?
Here is my solution, instead of giving the banks, Wall Street, and automakers the money give every taxpayer(PEOPLE) a million dollars. It would still be under 700 billion dollars and all the above would be out of the water. The foreclosures would be down and the property value of home would stabilize. The credit markets would then be set to the correct margins.
But the Government won't do that, Why? No one wants to see the poor on the same level as the rich. The rich needs the poor to do the shit they don't want to do but still profit. Besides giving the People the money the need to put all of the corporate heads, and lawmakers (who supported the lobbyist of failed corporations) in jail.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Scorched Earth

The Clintons are the worse losers in the history of the Earth. What they are doing is a scorched earth policy, if WE are not going to win no one will. The press is being to complacent to these motherfuckers. Speak the truth they (Clintons) are all about self.
The only good thing is that most of the world are seeing them for what they are. They are fucked up and hopefully the rest of democrats will finally put them way out in the pasture to let them die.
How are we to take them seriously, at every turn they try to change the rules. When is it going to stop. How many times are we going to have to concede to them and when you do it is not enough.
Lets be realistic she is not worthy of being President, Vice President, Head of Senate, or Senator. She can not manage her campaign, or Husband. How the fuck do you expect us to believe you can run the country.
Does anyone believe her, them?
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
What The News LEFT OUT

In 1961, a young African-American man, after hearing President John F.
Kennedy's challenge to, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you
can do for your country," gave up his student deferment, left college in Virginia and voluntarily joined the Marines.
In 1963, this man, having completed his two years of service in the
Marines, volunteered again to become a Navy corpsman. (They provide
medical assistance to the Marines as well as to Navy personnel.)
The man did so well in corpsman school that he was the valedictorian and
became a cardiopulmonary technician. Not surprisingly, he was assigned
to the Navy's premier medical facility, Bethesda Naval Hospital, as a
member of the commander in chief's medical team, and helped care for
President Lyndon B. Johnson after his 1966 surgery. For his service on
the team, which he left in 1967, the White House awarded him three
letters of commendation.
What is even more remarkable is that this man entered the Marines and
Navy not many years after the two branches began to become integrated.
While this young man was serving six years on active duty, Vice
President Dick Cheney, who was born the same year as the Marine/sailor,
received five deferments, four for being an undergraduate and graduate
student and one for being a prospective father. Presidents Bill Clinton
and George W. Bush, both five years younger than the African-American
youth, used their student deferments to stay in college until 1968. Both then avoided going on active duty through family connections.
Who is the real patriot? The young man who interrupted his studies to
serve his country for six years or our three political leaders who beat
the system? Are the patriots the people who actually sacrifice something
or those who merely talk about their love of the country?
After leaving the service of his country, the young African-American
finished his final year of college, entered the seminary, was ordained
as a minister, and eventually became pastor of a large church in one of
America's biggest cities.
This man is Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the retiring pastor of Trinity United
Church of Christ, who has been in the news for comments he made over the
last three decades.
Since these comments became public we have heard criticisms,
condemnations, denouncements and rejections of his comments and him.
We've seen on television, in a seemingly endless loop, sound bites of a
select few of Rev. Wright's many sermons.
Some of the Wright's comments are inexcusable and inappropriate and
should be condemned, but in calling him "unpatriotic," let us not forget
that this is a man who gave up six of the most productive years of his
life to serve his country.
How many of Wright's detractors, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly to name
but a few, volunteered for service, and did so under the often
tumultuous circumstances of a newly integrated armed forces and a
society in the midst of a civil rights struggle? Not many.
While words do count, so do actions.
Let us not forget that, for whatever Rev. Wright may have said over the
last 30 years, he has demonstrated his patriotism.
Lawrence Korb and Ian Moss are, respectively, Navy and Marine Corps
veterans. They work at The Center For American Progress. Korb served as
assistant secretary of Defense in the Reagan administration.
Reality Shows

What is with these fake shows? They are so stupid, from American Idol to the Flava of Love, all these people will do anything to get on TV. Does anyone have self respect anymore? I mean can we come up with real idea. It is the same show with a different name, people come to be degraded and shit on, while we at home laugh at them.
I have a couple of ideas. Why not have the TV show Murder, have some one commit a murder and see if the cops can catch them. I will be shot from the murderer point of view, you would never see his or her face. It would be captivating no one would turn away. If that to extreme for you, we can always go back to public executions.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
We Got Your Back

Oh shit I forgot he is white. Where again were you sisters and brother? They should have been there to defend you like they did that cracker (clinton).
This again is proof that a black person can not get any justice in America. If you do not believe me I can give you another example. OJ whether you believe it or not that he killed his wife (white trash), and for the record he did not, he was found not guilty. But Marv Albert is a convicted sex offender, who I hope registers himself wherever he goes, still has a job. Only in America.
Look do your time and sell the rights to book and movie, and take the cash with your family outside the U.S. Enjoy yourself.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Price of Gas
I guess we are now seeing the importance of gas. If you really think these airlines are pulling these planes off for maintenance you are wrong. They are trying to conserve the cost of fuel plus screw us in the long run. If your planes were fucked up like you say then they were flying with sub par equipment, which means that we need to sue the fuck out of them. Who are you to play with my fucking life?
Just be real the price of gas is to high. Write the congressman, senators, and the president and tell them to take every last barrel from Iraq's fields. We have paid enough. No more blank checks, GIVE US OUR OIL. We have taken over a country and I can not understand why the Air Force and Navy are not shipping the oil back here. Who cares what the democrats or the human rights people, We came, We saw, We conquered, and spoils go to the victor.
Just be real the price of gas is to high. Write the congressman, senators, and the president and tell them to take every last barrel from Iraq's fields. We have paid enough. No more blank checks, GIVE US OUR OIL. We have taken over a country and I can not understand why the Air Force and Navy are not shipping the oil back here. Who cares what the democrats or the human rights people, We came, We saw, We conquered, and spoils go to the victor.
Monday, April 7, 2008
Big Lips and Large Hips
I have heard that Jay Z and Beyonce have gotten married. Very interesting, could you imagine what their kids look like? Big lipped with wide hips and extentions hanging from the head. Maybe the kids will come out with their money making color or better yet the 20/20 club. No I got it they will purchase the Knicks.
All in all, Hail to the new King and Queen of Hip Hop.
All in all, Hail to the new King and Queen of Hip Hop.
Bush or Clinton
Is it just me or does the Clinton Campaign starting to look like the Bush Administration? Neither one seems to be able to keep staff members. They seem to make changes quicker than the seasons. Is it because your staffers are and incompetent as you?
How are you suppose to command loyalty if you do not give it? If you had doubt about your decision than maybe you should not have made the choice. Stick to your guns people may not like but they sure would respect it.
How are you suppose to command loyalty if you do not give it? If you had doubt about your decision than maybe you should not have made the choice. Stick to your guns people may not like but they sure would respect it.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Sports Vs Owners & Justice
We are these athlete's lawyers? I can not believe that a person could be is guilty before he is tried. I always thought that a person is innocent until proven guilty. Not vice versa, this not France with the Napoleonic code of justice.
I am tired of seeing these guys be persecuted over stupid shit, granted what they did is stupid. But lets be realistic they have been arrested and not found guilty. Scooter Libby still was at his job when and after he was arrested. Why not these athletes?
What the guys and ladies need to do is sue the organization that the play for. If you don't challenge the system than the system will fuck you every chance they get.
I bet you these guys and ladies did the same shit when they were in high school and college. Most of the time they were overlooked and the reason why the school wanted to keep the status and money. Now on a bigger scale the same should apply. Is it because you do not want to pay the bill.
You all need to have your lawyers to set the bar as in you fuck with me prematurely it is going to cost you. That should apply to the police, district attorneys, and your accuser. I guarantee that shit will stop. Take them for all of their shit.
I am tired of seeing these guys be persecuted over stupid shit, granted what they did is stupid. But lets be realistic they have been arrested and not found guilty. Scooter Libby still was at his job when and after he was arrested. Why not these athletes?
What the guys and ladies need to do is sue the organization that the play for. If you don't challenge the system than the system will fuck you every chance they get.
I bet you these guys and ladies did the same shit when they were in high school and college. Most of the time they were overlooked and the reason why the school wanted to keep the status and money. Now on a bigger scale the same should apply. Is it because you do not want to pay the bill.
You all need to have your lawyers to set the bar as in you fuck with me prematurely it is going to cost you. That should apply to the police, district attorneys, and your accuser. I guarantee that shit will stop. Take them for all of their shit.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea

Chelsea Clinton, I do not understand why you are getting upset at the questions asked of you. Your father had sex (oral) with a pig in the Oval Office. Your mother and your father denied it, and then recanted it when he told the truth. Is perverting the truth a family trait, or deflecting the issue and blaming others a family trait.
I think your parents are guilty of all three, and you are guilty by association. If you are going to defend them then you need to answer the questions. If you are going onto the campaign trail then you need to be ready for the questions and you would be more respected if you handled the questions in courteous manner and not like the defiant, arrogant holy than thou attitude of your parents. If you do not like the questions or Public, then you and your parents get out of it.
You are lucky because if I were there you would be asked all type of questions. I will leave you with this one question. When your Father was getting head in the Oval Office, were or have you ever given head or had sex in the White House?
Friday, March 28, 2008
28 %
28 % is the percentage of Clinton supporters that will vote for Mc Cain if Obama wins the democrat nomination over Hillary Clinton. I amazed that the whole Clinton support group have not pledge to do that. The 28 % just goes to prove that it is not a male/woman issue but a black/white.
Instead of "Fear of Black Hat" we should say "Fear of Black Nomination."
Unreal is this woman going to give it up? I tell you Obama do not pick this evil hormonal bitch as your running mate. She will have you killed, at this we can say that she will do anything to be President. Do not forget more cabinet officers and personal friends died through her husband's Presidency.
More and more I hope that black people start to realize that these people (Clintons) could give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves. They have no problem throwing people under the bus.
Take loss and move on.
Instead of "Fear of Black Hat" we should say "Fear of Black Nomination."
Unreal is this woman going to give it up? I tell you Obama do not pick this evil hormonal bitch as your running mate. She will have you killed, at this we can say that she will do anything to be President. Do not forget more cabinet officers and personal friends died through her husband's Presidency.
More and more I hope that black people start to realize that these people (Clintons) could give a flying fuck about anyone but themselves. They have no problem throwing people under the bus.
Take loss and move on.
The First 48
Alright I am getting tired of watching TV shows like The First 48, Cops, and Crime 360. I watch as everyone opens their mouth, SHUT UP!!!!
Remember you have the right to remain silent, use it. If you are not under arrest do not answer a thing. Tell them if you any questions ask my lawyer and then leave. If you are under arrest do not say a word until a lawyer gets there.
My suggestion is to say "All I have to say is go fuck yourself," then say " You are going to bed." Again use the first line if you are not under arrest, and both if you are under arrest.
Why would you give information to hang yourself? A police officer CAN NOT lighten you sentence and he is not there to help you. He or she is NOT a LAWYER or JUDGE. The officers are there to fuck every chance they get.
Remember you have the right to remain silent, use it. If you are not under arrest do not answer a thing. Tell them if you any questions ask my lawyer and then leave. If you are under arrest do not say a word until a lawyer gets there.
My suggestion is to say "All I have to say is go fuck yourself," then say " You are going to bed." Again use the first line if you are not under arrest, and both if you are under arrest.
Why would you give information to hang yourself? A police officer CAN NOT lighten you sentence and he is not there to help you. He or she is NOT a LAWYER or JUDGE. The officers are there to fuck every chance they get.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Let us talk about SEX
It is not a dirty word, it is a fun one. Who cares if you fuck your spouse of some else spouse, secretary, or co-worker. As long as it consensual sex who gives a fuck.
I have fucked from here to Alaska to Jamaica. I don't care if is your wife, daughter, mother, or grandmother. If they are going to pray to the Havoc Staff let them keep suckin' and fuckin'.
My tool is not prejudice. Keep one thing in mind, we are all black when the lights are out and it is all pink in the middle. And if it is not wet get some KY jelly.
I have fucked from here to Alaska to Jamaica. I don't care if is your wife, daughter, mother, or grandmother. If they are going to pray to the Havoc Staff let them keep suckin' and fuckin'.
My tool is not prejudice. Keep one thing in mind, we are all black when the lights are out and it is all pink in the middle. And if it is not wet get some KY jelly.
Alright WEED

Okay EVERYONE has smoked weed. It should not be a big surprise. The surprise should be the ones who say they never smoked weed. GET REAL WITH YOURSELF.
Is it true that George W. Bush has a DUI and a Cocaine possession on his record. I don't hold that against him. Hey he likes to party and who doesn't. Governor Patterson do what you got to do.
The key important thing is that they admitted to past use. The key being past now if the get caught in the present then it is a issue. Until the need of beating a person for what did in the past is dead issue.
Hell I have smoked weed and enjoyed that is a point of being young. I think by coming out with truth the issue should be dead at that point. Have we gone back to the Salem Witch Hunts. And we all know now they were wrong.
If the use of drugs are wrong, then why is it for every problem a child has we given some form of drug.
Where Is
Where is Maxine Waters and Conyers. When Bill Clinton was brought on perjury charges the two them were his great black defenders . They were literally sucking his dick. Where are you now, Mayor Kirkpatrick needs your help.
Why are they not holding press conferences condemning the prosecutor for a malicious prosecution? It must not be an election year.
Those remind me of Weezy of the moteasir tribe. More tea sir as the white man raises his glass. Or better yet the great saying we's sick master.
Now get it right that motherfucker is sick and let him get his own tea.
When we as black people need help the first reaction is to turn away. Has the Lynch theory really work. As a black race we need to be unified. We need to stop the Africa experiment needs to stop.
In Africa the white man says he want to help bring peace but they are selling weapons to both sides. Then he sits back and watches the disaster. To give a better visual effect, they and sitting a piece of food in the middle of red and black ants. If you can visualize that then you can see how ridiculous we as a race we are.
In the US, the battle is worse for blacks. Not only fighting the African war (Blood and Crips) but we have these Africans, Haitian, and other immigrants coming here telling us that we are beneath them.
I really do not want to get into a he said she said battle. I have a better IDEA, work together stop turning heads. If you can run a block you can run a legal business.
Take illegal tender and make it legal. Don't go back to the illegal.
Why are they not holding press conferences condemning the prosecutor for a malicious prosecution? It must not be an election year.
Those remind me of Weezy of the moteasir tribe. More tea sir as the white man raises his glass. Or better yet the great saying we's sick master.
Now get it right that motherfucker is sick and let him get his own tea.
When we as black people need help the first reaction is to turn away. Has the Lynch theory really work. As a black race we need to be unified. We need to stop the Africa experiment needs to stop.
In Africa the white man says he want to help bring peace but they are selling weapons to both sides. Then he sits back and watches the disaster. To give a better visual effect, they and sitting a piece of food in the middle of red and black ants. If you can visualize that then you can see how ridiculous we as a race we are.
In the US, the battle is worse for blacks. Not only fighting the African war (Blood and Crips) but we have these Africans, Haitian, and other immigrants coming here telling us that we are beneath them.
I really do not want to get into a he said she said battle. I have a better IDEA, work together stop turning heads. If you can run a block you can run a legal business.
Take illegal tender and make it legal. Don't go back to the illegal.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Yes 4000
Yes in five years we lost four thousand troops. In the long run it is a good testament of how advanced and smarter the military has gotten. If you compare the death toll the Vietnam conflict then we are truly for ahead of the game.
As a former military soldier I understood that I was Federal property. I was not there just to hang out and get college money. I was there to serve my country and to do what I was ordered to do. I can see if we were like the Vietnam, Korean, WW II and WW I era. They had no choice they were drafted. Don't forget this a volunteer army, navy, marines, and air force.
Instead trying to figure out what we are over there for (oil or what ever), we as citizens need to support our troops. It is not our position to ask why, those men and women who are serving are doing so that we do not have to be drafted, and so that we can get up in the morning to get Starbucks.
As a former military soldier I understood that I was Federal property. I was not there just to hang out and get college money. I was there to serve my country and to do what I was ordered to do. I can see if we were like the Vietnam, Korean, WW II and WW I era. They had no choice they were drafted. Don't forget this a volunteer army, navy, marines, and air force.
Instead trying to figure out what we are over there for (oil or what ever), we as citizens need to support our troops. It is not our position to ask why, those men and women who are serving are doing so that we do not have to be drafted, and so that we can get up in the morning to get Starbucks.
Compassion is a weakness. When you express that emotion the end result is that you get shit on.
The worst is when you deal with family and or friends. It seem that they use your loyalty against you. If you don't do them a favor even though you know that it may be a wrong you feel bad. Again they can't force but you feel obligated.
The fucked up part is when you need the help, that the people you assisted are no one is to be found. You hear all these excuse why they can't and the funny part is there excuse are the reasons why you need help.
What is the remedy, fuck them all and let God sort them out. Ultimately you and you will make sure that YOU are okay.
I can tell you from this point on I will only help myself and only myself.
The worst is when you deal with family and or friends. It seem that they use your loyalty against you. If you don't do them a favor even though you know that it may be a wrong you feel bad. Again they can't force but you feel obligated.
The fucked up part is when you need the help, that the people you assisted are no one is to be found. You hear all these excuse why they can't and the funny part is there excuse are the reasons why you need help.
What is the remedy, fuck them all and let God sort them out. Ultimately you and you will make sure that YOU are okay.
I can tell you from this point on I will only help myself and only myself.
Friday, March 21, 2008
The Truth Comes Out
Under further review the infamous Rev. Wright may be innocent. As must things that are reported we are given a glimpse of the whole picture. We watch the distorted view of others who have no interest of the truth but to sensationalize the negative to get more press and viewers.
Are you one of the people that were fooled?
Obama backed away from a man (black man) who spoke his mind and was just a innocent bystander. It seems he coward to what white America wanted him to distance yourself from that radical our faithful token.
I did have some belief in Obama, but now I think he is the wolf in sheep's clothing. Hopefully he will prove me wrong and use the complete message of Rev. Wrights to scold the news agency to his advantage.
If he does not, what proof do we have he will not wind up like another Clearence Thomas.
Are you one of the people that were fooled?
Obama backed away from a man (black man) who spoke his mind and was just a innocent bystander. It seems he coward to what white America wanted him to distance yourself from that radical our faithful token.
I did have some belief in Obama, but now I think he is the wolf in sheep's clothing. Hopefully he will prove me wrong and use the complete message of Rev. Wrights to scold the news agency to his advantage.
If he does not, what proof do we have he will not wind up like another Clearence Thomas.
Ms. Dupree
Can we really afford this woman or do we need Gov. Spitzer 's wallet? How can anyone have sympathy for her? She does not need it, she is, will be, a rich bitch. It just goes to prove she knew the value of the pussy.
You should not have sympathy for her, but respect and envy her. She lived and is living the American dream.
I don't hate, I am just upset that I did not get it before it got expensive. The real questions to ask her is if she eats the nookie as well as the sausage? And if Spitzer got that privilege and is the video.
Now the question is she going to continue to selling the pussy?
You should not have sympathy for her, but respect and envy her. She lived and is living the American dream.
I don't hate, I am just upset that I did not get it before it got expensive. The real questions to ask her is if she eats the nookie as well as the sausage? And if Spitzer got that privilege and is the video.
Now the question is she going to continue to selling the pussy?
Thursday, March 20, 2008
South Carolina let ME count the ways
South Carolina are we to be shocked that your troopers run over blacks, handcuff blacks to front bumpers of squad cars, and over heard on video "I hit him and I meant to hit him!"
Well my response is stupid is as stupid does.
How can anyone be shocked, for crying out loud the still have the confederate flag flying over the capital building. The black people that still live there are still on the plantation and the whites still have the slave master mentality.
If you want me to believe the south has changed then you must recognize that the confederate flag supports a treasonous act and that anyone who supports it is guilty of treason. Remember that treason is punishable by life in prison to include sentence of death. I prefer that the latter is your are guilty of treason.
Southern Pride my ass, again stupid is as stupid does.
Comments are welcome.
Well my response is stupid is as stupid does.
How can anyone be shocked, for crying out loud the still have the confederate flag flying over the capital building. The black people that still live there are still on the plantation and the whites still have the slave master mentality.
If you want me to believe the south has changed then you must recognize that the confederate flag supports a treasonous act and that anyone who supports it is guilty of treason. Remember that treason is punishable by life in prison to include sentence of death. I prefer that the latter is your are guilty of treason.
Southern Pride my ass, again stupid is as stupid does.
Comments are welcome.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
The Revote
Why do we need on the people have spoken. They understood that their delegate would not count.
We were the Clintons in 2000? They were sitting at home cracking open a bottle of champagne, they waited to force their term. If the pull this bull off then we need to move and eliminate the democrats power on the black race. We need to do what they did and sit back and watch Mr. Mc Cain win the election, or better yet start the new party and elect Obama ourselves.
And those traitors who support the wolf in sheep clothing (Clintons), need to be expelled from the black race. Don't forget and they have proven it time again that they only out for self.
Remember these immortal words, "Self will get you Killed!!!"
Comments are welcome.
We were the Clintons in 2000? They were sitting at home cracking open a bottle of champagne, they waited to force their term. If the pull this bull off then we need to move and eliminate the democrats power on the black race. We need to do what they did and sit back and watch Mr. Mc Cain win the election, or better yet start the new party and elect Obama ourselves.
And those traitors who support the wolf in sheep clothing (Clintons), need to be expelled from the black race. Don't forget and they have proven it time again that they only out for self.
Remember these immortal words, "Self will get you Killed!!!"
Comments are welcome.
New Political Party
Republican, Democrat, and Independent, we need another party. The current three seem to cater to the advancement of white people. Republicans are looked upon to save the white wealthy, democrats for the working whites, and the independents for the separatists movement.
Now as for minorities you have them spread out between the three with more of them falling into the Democratic party. Most of the Minorities in the Democratic party are black.
Here is my dilemma, if you believe that all the parties are for white, it does not matter who you vote for it not going to help the minorities especially blacks. They say that they have our best interest but the only serve themselves.
Key notes that my elder black men have made to me: The democrats made it possible for civil rights and have been on our sides. (my opinion) Still have us as slaves.
Key notes for republicans, they freed us from slavery, they made MLK a national holiday, and if not mistaken that the dug ground MLK memorial in D.C. After Civil War some states had black senators(may have to look it up),but for a fact they had the first NSA advisor(1 male and 1 female), Secretary of State (1 male and 1 female).
Now many of my black elders tell me that during and after the civil war that the parties switched republicans(lincoln) became dems and the dems (jefferson davis) became republicans. My response is the same, that neither do not give a damm but for the white race.
We need a BLACK PARTY, that has the minority (which is the MAJORITY) interest.
I am getting a brain fart for now but I am interested in your opinion.
Now as for minorities you have them spread out between the three with more of them falling into the Democratic party. Most of the Minorities in the Democratic party are black.
Here is my dilemma, if you believe that all the parties are for white, it does not matter who you vote for it not going to help the minorities especially blacks. They say that they have our best interest but the only serve themselves.
Key notes that my elder black men have made to me: The democrats made it possible for civil rights and have been on our sides. (my opinion) Still have us as slaves.
Key notes for republicans, they freed us from slavery, they made MLK a national holiday, and if not mistaken that the dug ground MLK memorial in D.C. After Civil War some states had black senators(may have to look it up),but for a fact they had the first NSA advisor(1 male and 1 female), Secretary of State (1 male and 1 female).
Now many of my black elders tell me that during and after the civil war that the parties switched republicans(lincoln) became dems and the dems (jefferson davis) became republicans. My response is the same, that neither do not give a damm but for the white race.
We need a BLACK PARTY, that has the minority (which is the MAJORITY) interest.
I am getting a brain fart for now but I am interested in your opinion.
This crazy thing called religion
I am getting tired of hearing about this thing on which pastor said this or that. If I am not mistaken, one of the great things about AMERICA is that we have separation of church and state. Is that not one of the reason we revolted against twice from Mother England.
Who cares what or where, anyone practices their religion. My only concern is that whoever becomes president that they do what is right for the AMERICAN PEOPLE.
What is your opinion I would like to know
Who cares what or where, anyone practices their religion. My only concern is that whoever becomes president that they do what is right for the AMERICAN PEOPLE.
What is your opinion I would like to know
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