Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Price of Gas

I guess we are now seeing the importance of gas. If you really think these airlines are pulling these planes off for maintenance you are wrong. They are trying to conserve the cost of fuel plus screw us in the long run. If your planes were fucked up like you say then they were flying with sub par equipment, which means that we need to sue the fuck out of them. Who are you to play with my fucking life?

Just be real the price of gas is to high. Write the congressman, senators, and the president and tell them to take every last barrel from Iraq's fields. We have paid enough. No more blank checks, GIVE US OUR OIL. We have taken over a country and I can not understand why the Air Force and Navy are not shipping the oil back here. Who cares what the democrats or the human rights people, We came, We saw, We conquered, and spoils go to the victor.

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