Friday, March 21, 2008

The Truth Comes Out

Under further review the infamous Rev. Wright may be innocent. As must things that are reported we are given a glimpse of the whole picture. We watch the distorted view of others who have no interest of the truth but to sensationalize the negative to get more press and viewers.

Are you one of the people that were fooled?

Obama backed away from a man (black man) who spoke his mind and was just a innocent bystander. It seems he coward to what white America wanted him to distance yourself from that radical our faithful token.

I did have some belief in Obama, but now I think he is the wolf in sheep's clothing. Hopefully he will prove me wrong and use the complete message of Rev. Wrights to scold the news agency to his advantage.

If he does not, what proof do we have he will not wind up like another Clearence Thomas.

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