Okay EVERYONE has smoked weed. It should not be a big surprise. The surprise should be the ones who say they never smoked weed. GET REAL WITH YOURSELF.
Is it true that George W. Bush has a DUI and a Cocaine possession on his record. I don't hold that against him. Hey he likes to party and who doesn't. Governor Patterson do what you got to do.
The key important thing is that they admitted to past use. The key being past now if the get caught in the present then it is a issue. Until the need of beating a person for what did in the past is dead issue.
Hell I have smoked weed and enjoyed that is a point of being young. I think by coming out with truth the issue should be dead at that point. Have we gone back to the Salem Witch Hunts. And we all know now they were wrong.
If the use of drugs are wrong, then why is it for every problem a child has we given some form of drug.
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