Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Political Party

Republican, Democrat, and Independent, we need another party. The current three seem to cater to the advancement of white people. Republicans are looked upon to save the white wealthy, democrats for the working whites, and the independents for the separatists movement.

Now as for minorities you have them spread out between the three with more of them falling into the Democratic party. Most of the Minorities in the Democratic party are black.

Here is my dilemma, if you believe that all the parties are for white, it does not matter who you vote for it not going to help the minorities especially blacks. They say that they have our best interest but the only serve themselves.

Key notes that my elder black men have made to me: The democrats made it possible for civil rights and have been on our sides. (my opinion) Still have us as slaves.

Key notes for republicans, they freed us from slavery, they made MLK a national holiday, and if not mistaken that the dug ground MLK memorial in D.C. After Civil War some states had black senators(may have to look it up),but for a fact they had the first NSA advisor(1 male and 1 female), Secretary of State (1 male and 1 female).

Now many of my black elders tell me that during and after the civil war that the parties switched republicans(lincoln) became dems and the dems (jefferson davis) became republicans. My response is the same, that neither do not give a damm but for the white race.

We need a BLACK PARTY, that has the minority (which is the MAJORITY) interest.

I am getting a brain fart for now but I am interested in your opinion.