Thursday, March 20, 2008

South Carolina let ME count the ways

South Carolina are we to be shocked that your troopers run over blacks, handcuff blacks to front bumpers of squad cars, and over heard on video "I hit him and I meant to hit him!"

Well my response is stupid is as stupid does.

How can anyone be shocked, for crying out loud the still have the confederate flag flying over the capital building. The black people that still live there are still on the plantation and the whites still have the slave master mentality.

If you want me to believe the south has changed then you must recognize that the confederate flag supports a treasonous act and that anyone who supports it is guilty of treason. Remember that treason is punishable by life in prison to include sentence of death. I prefer that the latter is your are guilty of treason.

Southern Pride my ass, again stupid is as stupid does.

Comments are welcome.

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