Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Okay!!!! I am sick and tired of hearing this crap about how the immigration laws in Arizona and other states proposing it is wrong. WE as Americans have the right to protect ourselves and immigration control is the Governments responsibility. If the Government will not enforce the law then it is up to the states to protect their citizens.

Here are some solutions:

  • Use eminent domain and take 45 miles from the border and make a minefield.
  • Every Governor should make an executive order that ALL illegal aliens that are arrested should held for the regulated time for ICE to come get them and if they do not then the ILLEGAL will be executed. (if any state congressman or senator opposes it then the governor should pardon all tier three sex offenders to those counties and districts. Like you say it is only illegals and they help the community, so is molestation and they (most pedophiles) were working.
  • Any company found to have employed an ILLEGAL alien should be fine $250,000/ILLEGAL for three years

Follow these rules and America will be safe, the wall/fence is not working.

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