Wednesday, March 25, 2009


All these people are worried about Mexico, just let them kill each other and let God sort them out. I am tired of hearing of all this craziness, when the people of the United States of America are in the biggest economic crisis we decide to help the Country that is undermining the economy with 140 billion dollars.

Come on already. What is needed is a 10 mile mine field from the Rio Grande to the U S border. That will stop the illegal immigrants and cartels from jumping the border. Do not give them a dime, let them suffer and figure it out themselves. We need to keep every dollar in AMERICA.

If the cartel wants to across the border to kill U S citizens then we should go in and make it (Mexico) a new U S territory. Kill an American, get invaded.

Again we need to keep all the money and jobs here in AMERICA for AMERICANS.

Keep your violence and workers in your country. I know what you are saying WE (Americans) purchase the drugs and visit Mexico. Well with the mine field the drug flow will be limited and at least we spend money in Mexico but we could always make it like Cuba, OFF LIMITS.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I can not believe that people are trying to justify the cartoon in the NY Post. Are you are you fucking serious. It is an insult. I will put to you like this, if the cartoon had a picture of the Pope being shot by two police officers and the caption said, "At least an Alter Boy will not be molested tonight," would that be improper. How about to officer with names tags of Hitler and Himmler shooting down a kite and saying,"At least we do not have to worry about being robbed by a PONZI Scheme."

Look even if you took out the caption Afro-Americans would still be pissed. It was as if the editor and cartoonist burned a cross on our front lawns.

I guess Eric Holder is right, America are a bunch of COWARDS when comes to racism. At a time when we have an Afro-American President and Attorney General, there is no place for that garbage ever. This should be a time of rejoice but it marred by some bull shit. I guess the saying is correct,"it take one apple to ruin the bunch."

Please some leave a comment trying to justify the cartoon.